December 15, 2017 all-day
Family Leisure Center
2120 Whitten Rd
Memphis, TN 38133
2120 Whitten Rd
Memphis, TN 38133

The Toys For Tots special day for our Detachment involvement will be either December 14th or 15th at the Family Leisure Center located on Whitten Rd. The Sports 56 Radio Station (AM 560) will broadcast live with sports personalities Dave Woloshin and Peter Edmiston on board to help promote Toys For Tots. We will receive toys and donations for this special event. The radio station will set the time and date soon, probably on Friday December 15. We will let your know the first of next week. We will need Detachment volunteers for Family Leisure Center and to work in our Toys For Tots warehouse. Talk to me Phil Taylor or Al Rome to work in the warehouse.