MCL DET 476 – Marine Corps Birthday Ball Celebration

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November 9, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Memphis National Golf Club
10135 National Club Dr Collierville
TN 38017
Dawn Hunter
(901) 568-8311
MCL DET 476 - Marine Corps Birthday Ball Celebration @ Memphis National Golf Club | Memphis | Tennessee | United States

Come join us for a great evening as we celebrate the 249th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps!  Tickets prices are $50 per person. Dress code is sport coat & tie for the gentlemen and dressy/semi-formal dress for the ladies.  We would like for you to buy your tickets prior to October 28th so we can get an accurate count on attendees to give to Memphis National Golf Club staff.  Please mail your payment made out to: “MCL DET 476” to Paymaster Nate Hunter at 8396 Wild Dune Ln Arlington, TN 38002 before October 28th.  You may need to add additional mail time due to slower USPS at this time.  You can email for payment options or call Dawn at 901-568-8311 and pay by credit card over the phone.